Download Fortnite for Playstation PS4 console. Now you might have killed someone with a scoped weapon or a rocket launcher and are wondering where these mouth-watering weapons are located. They are located basically everywhere and what I mean by that is if you can hear an angelic sound while looting you may have found some rare items.
This angelic sound is actually a chest which you can open up that can have some nice loot. These chests aren’t always easy to find you’ll most likely have to utilize your resources like build stairs or different pathways of getting up to them.
The Angelic’s owl will also get louder the closer you get once you guys have successfully found the chest holy and it will spit out a few items that might come in handy like a scoped weapon or even a rocket launcher. One thing you should know is that breaking the ground the chest is on will actually break the chest completely and you won’t be able to recover it so utilize your resources to build up to break the walls around the chest.
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